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July 6, 2021 – 9:00 am.


Call to Order, Invocation, & Pledge and Roll Call (00:01 – 1:27)

The Council of the City of Jackson met in a regular session on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at

9:00 am. Mayor Scott Conger called the meeting to order, and Councilmember Marda Wallace

lead us in the invocation and Allegiance Pledge. The Mayor then called the roll.

Councilmembers Ernest Brooks II, Harvey Buchanan, David Cisco, Johnny Dodd, Russ

McKelvey, Gary Pickens, Ross Priddy, Paul Taylor, and Marda Wallace were present. Executive

Director Mark Reid and Director of Community Development Latonya Fason from Jackson

Housing Authority. Present for the City of Jackson, Mr. Bobby Arnold, Recorder's Office, Mr.

Stan Pilant, Planning Dept., Lauren Kirk, Mayor's Office, Susan White, Purchasing Dept., and

Leilani Mills, H & S Dept. Also present was Sandy Maxwell, recorder of the minutes. For the full

details, listen to the July 6, 2021 video at https://www.youtube.com/CityofJacksonTN731 (time-

frame reference).

Approval of Minutes (1:28 – 1:40)

The minutes for the Special Call June 8, 2021, meeting were approved and signed.


Ron Jewel from the Orpheum recognized Diann Robinson for her years of service to The



Mayor Scott Conger reminded the audience this is a public hearing. Therefore, anyone

wishing to speak in favor of or opposition to any item on first reading, please raise your hand at

the appropriate time.



1. Proposed Budget Ordinance to Transfer $4,000,000.00 From General Fund

to Capital Outlay Fund For Street Paving (6:07 – 37:48)

Councilmember Taylor made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Buchanan,

to approve the agenda item but added the following amendments: Budget item not to

exceed $4.0 million and for Tom Wolf to provide monthly project updates to the

council. The Mayor asked if anyone had a public comment; there were none. Upon a

call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion passed unanimously.

2. Proposed Budget Amendment to Capital Outlay Fund $1,450,000.00 for

Homeless Shelter (37:52 – 54:51)

Councilmember Buchanan made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Brooks,

to approve the agenda item as submitted. The Mayor asked if anyone had a public

comment; there were none. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, except Councilman

Buchanan, who abstained, the motion passed 8 – 1.

3. Proposed Budget Amendment to Capital Outlay Fund $28,650.00 to Fund

Two Mowers for Groundskeeping (54:53 – 55:33)

Councilmember Cisco made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Taylor, to

approve the agenda item as submitted. The Mayor asked if anyone had a public

comment; there were none. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, except Councilmen

Buchanan and Brooks, who abstained, the motion passed 7 – 2.

4. Proposed Budget Amendment Solid Waste Fund $229,116.00 to Fund Four

New Positions (55:35 – 58:48)

Councilmember Taylor made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Buchanan,

to approve the agenda item as submitted. The Mayor asked if anyone had a public

comment; there were none. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion passed



5. Proposed Budget Amendment to General Fund $12,246.75 to General Fund

Insurance Recovery JPD Vehicle (58:51 – 59:43)

Councilmember Dodd made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Buchanan,

to approve the agenda item as submitted. The Mayor asked if anyone had a public

comment; there were none. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion passed


6. Consideration of an Ordinance to abandon a street stub on Clay Street

(59:45 – 1:00:11)

Councilmember Brooks made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Taylor, to

approve the agenda item as submitted. The Mayor asked if anyone had a public

comment; there were none. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion passed


7. Consideration of a Solid Waste Ordinance Amendment, Title 17, to allow for

Construction Dumpsters (1:00:17 – 1:02:06)

Councilmember Dodd made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Brooks, to approve

the agenda item as submitted. The Mayor asked if anyone had a public comment; there

were none. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion passed unanimously.




1. Election of FY 21-22 Vice Mayor (1:02:10 – 1:03:55)

Councilmember Buchanan motioned to have Councilman Paul Taylor serve as Vice-

Mayor, seconded by Councilmember Cisco. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, except

Councilman Taylor, who abstained, the motion passed 8 – 1.

2. Consideration of a contract with A-1 Chemical Products for janitorial

products (1:03:56 – 1:04:18)


Councilmember Dodd made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Brooks, to approve

the agenda item as submitted. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion passed


3. Consideration of a contract with Mid Solutions for police uniform shirts,

trousers, jackets, outer vest carriers, and patches (1:04:19 – 1:04:36)

Councilmember Cisco made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Wallace, to

approve the agenda item as submitted. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion

passed unanimously.

4. Consideration of a proposal from TriAd Environmental Consultants for

groundwater reporting services for the old Madison County Landfill

(1:04:37 – 1:05:54)

Councilmember Buchanan made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Dodd, to

approve the agenda item as submitted. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion

passed unanimously.

5. Consideration of a request for supplement design services for the US 45 -

bypass southern extension project (1:05:56 – 1:06:28)

Councilmember Taylor made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Pickens, to

approve the agenda item as submitted. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion

passed unanimously.

6. Resolution to approve Substantial Amendment to Community

Development's Annual Action Plan 2019-2020 (1:06:29 – 1:07:21)

Councilmember Dodd made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Buchanan, to

approve the agenda item as submitted. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion

passed unanimously.

7. Consideration of a Street Acceptance request for Shepard's Field Section


8. Consideration of a Street Acceptance request for Shepard's Field Section


9. Consideration of a Street Acceptance request for Shepard's Field Section



10. Consideration of a Street Acceptance request for Shepard's Field Section

11-B (1:07:23 – 1:11:15)

Councilmember Pickens made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Cisco, to approve

the agenda items 7 -10 as submitted. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion

passed unanimously.

11. Consideration of Board Appointments: (1:11:18 – 1:12:12)

a. Consideration of a board appointment of Kortney D Simmons to

replace Elaine Christian, Greg Parsons to replace Glen Vaulx, Sr., to

the Library Board of Trustees, and appointment of Marda Wallace as

City Council liaison

Councilmember Cisco made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Brooks, to approve

the agenda item as submitted. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, except Councilmember

Wallace, who abstained, the motion passed 8 – 1.

12. Consideration of budget amendments less than $10,000.00 (1:12:14 – 1:12:17)

No vote is required.

13. Consideration of Invoices over $10,000.00 (1:12:18 – 1:12:27)

Councilmember Brooks made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Cisco, to approve

the agenda item as submitted. Upon a call for a vote, all voted aye, the motion passed


ADJOURN (1:12:30)



Emily Johnson Named Vice President, Talent Development

Emily Johnson Named Vice President, Talent Development

Jackson Equity Project BarBeQunity Mural Project