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Healthy Aging Month: Win the War Against Wrinkles Naturally

Healthy Aging Month: Win the War Against Wrinkles Naturally

Before you drop too much money on expensive lotions and creams, there are a many things you can do to naturally help prevent wrinkles. As you get older, your skin weakens and becomes less hydrated. While nothing can guarantee the skin of your youth, the health experts at Envolve, an integrated healthcare solutions company, have put together five easy ways to fight wrinkles naturally.


1.    Olive Oil. As you age, your skin begins to lose its ability to stay hydrated. Olive oil contains byproducts that increase your skin’s collagen level and help it to stay moist. If you’ve been out in the sun or other drying elements, try using olive oil as a moisturizer. Be sure to blot the excess off to prevent clogged pores. Combine a little sea salt and olive oil to make an excellent natural exfoliate. Simply rub in a gentle, circular motion, on damp skin, to reduce any feelings of greasiness. Not sold on using oil on your skin? Fight aging from within by consuming olive oil to get antioxidants and monounsaturated fats that help your skin cells ward off wrinkles and decrease inflammation.


2.    Shade the Sun. While catching some rays provides you with needed Vitamin D, ensuring proper protection for your skin is essential to maintaining a healthy, glowing complexion. Using a high SPF, chemical-free sunscreen – especially on your face – helps prevent age spots and wrinkles. A non-greasy formula will also keep your pores clear and allow your skin to breathe. Hats, SPF, clothing, and taking frequent shade breaks will also keep your skin from sustaining irreparable sun damage over time.


3.    Decisive Diet. Foods that are high in vitamin C, E, and antioxidants help prevent UV damage, which is a major cause of aging. Blueberries, tomatoes, and avocadoes are all good options that help fight off free radicals, or damaged cells, and promote collagen production and the regeneration of new skin cells. Also, make sure to drink water throughout the day to keep your body and skin fully hydrated and to ward off premature fine lines. 


4.    Sleep Sound. Easiest way to fight off wrinkles? Get enough sleep. As you rest, your body produces hormones that assist tissue development, helping turnover old for new, including your skin. Dermatologists suggest that sleeping on your back helps reduce the development of wrinkles. When you lay on your side or stomach, your face is more susceptible to sleep lines. Try heading into dream land with some soft, high-thread count sheets or a silk pillowcase to reduce repetitive creases to the sensitive skin of your face.


5.    Apply Aloe. Keeping an aloe plant at home can come in handy for a number of reasons. Aside from the anti-inflammatory effects of the plant when applied to a sunburn, applying aloe to the skin works in the same way as moisturizer, providing hydration and rejuvenating the vitamins and minerals in your skin helping it stay healthy. The minerals in your skin filter sunlight and promote healing making hydration essential to fighting wrinkles.


About Envolve, Inc.®

Envolve, Inc.® is a family of health solutions, working together to make healthcare simpler, more effective and more accessible for everyone. As an agent for change in healthcare, Envolve is committed to transforming the health of the community, one person at a time. Envolve unifies specialty pharmacyPBMvisiondental24/7 nurse advice servicesdiabetes managementMSO solutions, and more. For more information, please visit our website www.envolvehealth.com or contact us at mediainquiries@envolvehealth.com.

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