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Seeking to Increase Applicants for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Seeking to Increase Applicants for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, is a national program. SNAP is just one of the many programs offered to help connect people with resources they need. In addition to providing food assistance to those who need it, SNAP can also provide information on how to eat healthy and be active.
SNAP is for people and families with low income but anyone can apply. If qualifications are met, the benefits will be distributed within 30 days after the applications is submitted. It may be possible to get assistance sooner, if the applicant has little or no money. A person with SNAP benefits will receive an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card and they will use it like a debit card to buy food. These benefits will be renewed monthly but the amount of SNAP benefits received varies depending on income, expenses, and family size.

To learn more about SNAP call 1-866- 311-4287, or https://www.tn.gov/humanservices/for-
families/supplemental-nutrition- assistance-program- snap.html. 1 Or contact West Tennessee Legal Services, Inc. 1-800- 372-8346, ext. 250.

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